Apr 11, 2023Liked by Kara Cutruzzula

Wow, this really hits the week I've resigned from my 11 year corp tech job to take a six month career break (after which, who knows). I'm firmly in the driver's seat now to decide my next move. Both terrifying and exciting.

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CIARA!!! What a monumental and exciting time! You've already made the hardest decision: to leap. There's zero doubt who's in the driver's seat. Keep me posted on what comes next and if there's any way I can support you. This is fantastic. You get to go where you want.

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SO GOOD! Thank you for this powerful message this morning!! It’s something I remind friends and family of often but really READING these words and taking them to heart for myself this morning was powerful.

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I love to remind friends about this, too! And then look in the mirror and think...oh...wait...I need this lesson, again and again. And that's OK!

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Apr 11, 2023Liked by Kara Cutruzzula

"The cavalry isn't coming" hit me hard as I tend to sit around waiting for it! But then enough time (and youtube videos) go by and I get back to work. But I'm always still listening for those hoofbeats... and I still by lottery tickets from time to time! Ugh, it's hard to be your own hero.

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Oh yes, I've got my ear to the ground waitin' for those hoofbeats, too. And how did you know I love scratch-off lotto tickets?! I don't think it's a bad thing to have faith in other people, or to want to 'level up' with the help of someone else...but you're so right, it comes back to being your own hero.

Maybe "hero" is too big of an ask though? Sometimes I remind myself that I only need to be the engine...maybe it's a beat-up engine some days and maybe it's not running so good other days, but I can still inch myself forward. Knowing that I hold the power is still helpful.

And because I haven't said it in awhile -- *I* believe in you, Julia! I may not be the cavalry, but you have a fan 3,000 miles away.

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Yes, and that’s especially true in the first raw moments of putting your heart out there. I was trapped in a car for 12 hours the day that my first podcast interview released. I must have earned some sort of record for scrolling for feedback about whether or not what I had put out in the world had been received as it was intended. I forgot that these things happen slowly, and take space to mature. I’ll still look for feedback no doubt, but I’m at least going to try to wait a few days next time. ;)

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Such a powerful lesson, my friend!! Absolutely everything is so heightened in those "first raw moments." Let's definitely remember to talk about this...because I think it's so difficult to quantify feedback for our meaningful creative and personal projects. (Is it comments? Downloads? Shares? Like? Word-of-mouth? Repeat listens? Unspoken emotional shifts in a reader or listener?) There are so many ways to move people's hearts and minds that aren't attached to numbers (and, of course, numbers matter in their own way, too!). To be continued...

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