Aug 15, 2023Liked by Kara Cutruzzula

Love the metaphor. I realized at some point in my career that the key to productivity was to get all the crap out of the way early in the day. I now arrive at work before anyone else, and do all the little things that need be done but are hard to get to on a busy day. Because, as you note, if you don't get to those little things, you don't just forget them. They prey on your mind or jump up to bite your ass at the wrong moment.

Now I have a name for them. Speed bumps.

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SUCH a good tactic, to eliminate the bumps when you have the time, space, and quiet to do so. I'm going to try this myself this week. Thank you for the encouragement!

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Aug 15, 2023Liked by Kara Cutruzzula

I LOVE this message! Clearing the "bumps" or those tiny unfinished tasks, projects, or annoyances to move forward more smoothly makes so much sense. Their undone-ness can fester in our minds making them more significant and more challenging than they are. But when we allow ourselves to prioritize them and knock them off the 'list,' amazing how life opens up again. It clears the path for focus, action, and a massive sense of relief.

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Yes, yes, YES! The sense of relief is almost more rewarding than doing the task itself. I love hearing from an expert like yourself that this really works!

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Aug 20, 2023Liked by Kara Cutruzzula

There is also the "progress" factor, which is at play. Making progress, boosts intrinsic motivation and encourages more progress.

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This explains my sudden boost of energy at night!!

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