Thanks Kara for always bringing new inspiration and a reason to keep trying. I needed to hear this today. I just posted a little novella in response to your piece on Notes.

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I read the novella, and it's quite good. 🙂

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And I posted a novella back!

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I'm in a dip right now with one of my businesses. At least twice a week I consider how much more time I would have for the other stuff if I just quit. But I'm too far in now - guess I have no choice but to hold on and make it the best in the world!

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It's such an interesting calculation, and one I've made myself so many times! One thing I try to ask myself is: Do I actually need the time back? Or do I need more energy, $$, or someone else's help? I kept hearing myself say "I need more time" when it came to one project, but when I quit something and found the time...I still didn't do it! I like your version of this more — buckling down, committing, and making it so good they can't ignore you.

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So true! I lost my assistant last year (to a promotion... So absolutely my fault haha) and haven't replaced her. I'm beginning to think this is the solution. Another hand on deck?

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I wonder if you wrote down all the things you'd like to delegate to an assistant, how that might change your perspective on this current dip...not only the space you'd get back in your mind, but what new creative solutions or ideas might come, once those things are delegated!

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I love this!

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Let me know how it goes!!

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Aug 23, 2023Liked by Kara Cutruzzula

Love this piece, I needed to hear this right now and I just placed my order for your new book because of it. Thank you and keep going, we need you more than you know.

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I am so grateful, Juanita. Thank you so much.

Also, I love your description of yourself as a "life long learner" — something to which we should all aspire.

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Aug 23, 2023Liked by Kara Cutruzzula

I must admit that when I heard Seth's advice to "quit," it made me anxious. Background...I'm a completer, so quitting isn't typically an option I consider. But I will say that while the completer in me is fierce, I've learned to adjust what completion looks and feels like. I also get that during a project or 'thing' I'm pursuing, there will be dips in attention, drive, and progress. So I accept that right at the get go. On the other end, I don't just do things blindly. There are points where I stop to access how things are going, do I need to switch gears, get help, or seek advice. And during that time of questioning, it's possible that I'll decide the project is as complete as it needs to be and it's time to let it go. I never think of it as quitting.

P.S. I got your lovely email and responded.

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The idea of quitting makes me anxious, too! I'm a fan of "closing the loop" in all respects. "Letting it go" is a beautiful way to frame these moments. I'm going to keep thinking about this now...

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Yay for loop closure! And yes. Sometimes a simple reframe is a helpful perspective shift. "Letting go" or "releasing" feels better to me than "quitting."

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or...what if we can interpret quit as a temporary pause...to take a break with the willingness to revisit our work with fresh eyes...

that was my experience of yesterday: when life got life-y and the work wheels of something that means a lot to me became stuck in a rut...not because there was something wrong with my writing per se, but because i needed to be more present to something else.

so yesterday i paused.

i became willing to “quit” so that i could return to the page re-centered.

i’ll let you know how it goes... . ..

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That sounds like such important self-assessment in the moment! Makes such a difference, doesn't it, to quit or pause with intention, rather than saying "I couldn't do [X] today."

Returning re-centered always pays off in time, energy, creative inspiration in the end, too...

Keep me posted!

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