Wrote your words on an index card and will keep it front and center. Thank you so much.

You have to pick up the cat. Whenever you can, for as long as you can.

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Sweet cats, they always share the right answer.

I love this so much. I've been picking up both the proverbial and actual cat as well, making progress getting past myself and into a groove. And hoping Shirley will learn to love loving. Thanks as always. Lula is beautiful 🥰

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They are *always* correct (and let you know it, too!). So glad to know we're both on the same page ("getting past myself" is a perfect phrase). Lula says hi to Shirley!

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This was so perfect for me to read today. I signed up for 1000 words of summer, beginnnig on June 5. Have I written anything? Heck no! But it's not too late. I will pick up the marshmallow and hold her for as long as she'll let me. And do the same thing tomorrow. Thank you.


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YESSS!! I love that project. The marshmallow is waiting for you!!! Even a few minutes is worthwhile. Please let me know how it goes.

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Yay Lula!!! I love this fluffy metaphor.

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She loves you back!!!

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ok i love this

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High praise from you!! Btw I used the phrase "input" like six times today -- thought of you!

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Love this to pieces! Lula is one lucky kitty. When we adopted our cat Rory (McIlroy because we found him on a golf course, but have since appended Gilmore to his name because he loves watching GG with me), he was skittish as can be. He doesn't love to be picked up, but has slowly become a lapcat and I make fun of him for being secretly mushy.

But also the metaphor! Off to do a pick-up now. Thanks for this, Kara!

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A GG-watching cat?! Be still my heart! So lovely to hear that Rory slowly became a lap cat -- that is our next goal, getting Lula to sit *on* our laps, not merely squished alongside us. My dream!

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I love this marshmallow 🥹

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And she loves you!!!

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Love this!

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Thank you, Liz! Hope to god you have better luck picking up Oliver!

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The metaphor is so helpful! Thanks, Kara. Applies to several projects I'm working on. And makes me think of how I adapted to living with a dog a few years ago. It wasn't my idea to get one, but gradually--very gradually--I adapted and now can't imagine life without her. (Maybe in that situation I was Lula??)

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Awww, your dog picked *you* up?! This is a beautiful thought! It is helpful for me to find these other examples of slow incremental progress. Not everything has to live inside a Word document!

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Yes, the more I think about it, the more I think she picked me up. I was Lula, protesting at first. But it was good to adapt. It was the right thing to do, even though I didn't know it at first. I like the metaphor very much!

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I'd for sure squish that mallow <3

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YES! Thank you fur understanding. (Leaving that typo...)

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