Woke up this morning feeling low on energy - vastly different from how I've been feeling the majority of this week. The joy is in realizing I'm a solopreneur, own my own business, and I can listen to my body and work from bed for a bit if that's what feels good. Gratitude.

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That sounds like freedom! Such an amazing gift to own your schedule and your day (something I take for granted all the time). Hope that gratitude keeps flowing.

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Jul 26, 2023Liked by Kara Cutruzzula

The highlight of my day so far is waking up and realizing I knew nothing about anything.

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And now just think of all the opportunities for learning!!!

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Today's highlight: my 3-year-old son standing in his underwear in our driveway watching a crew pave our road.

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I can picture this!! What a joy! Thank you for sharing. One man’s work is another man’s pleasure ☺️

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Jul 28, 2023Liked by Kara Cutruzzula

Highlight of my day was a beautiful moment of kismet: today in Toronto the "feels like" temperature (this city sitting on a lake the size of Switzerland = humidity central) has been 37C/98.6F. After sweating all day, over dinner, my little kid and I were listening to the radio when they said, "Tomorrow it's going to be worse. With the humidity it's going to feel like 40 [=104F], so you know what that means? Cosy up to your friends who have a pool!"

My kid said, "We know two people with a pool!" and listed her friend (who lives a bit away from us and has one on top of her condo) and our two doors down neighbour who — uncharacteristically for downtown Toronto — has one in her backyard (that we can see from ours). I was about to say, "I don't think we know that neighbour well enough to ask if we can use her pool..." when I thought, Why bum the child out? and kept it to myself.

Literally THREE MINUTES LATER, we get a phone call — for the first time ever — from that EXACT two doors down neighbour asking, "Do you want to come over for a dip in the pool?"

It was DELIGHTFUL! Sweet company as well, and cooled us both down a treat!

(Commenting a day late because I read it a day late  — and loved reading everyone else's!)

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What an absolutely PERFECT moment!! I'm so glad things aligned for you — and that your neighbor felt it all, too. Pool people know how to pay it forward!! Thanks so much for sharing this!

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Jul 27, 2023Liked by Kara Cutruzzula

Feeling good because I finally completed the quilt top that’s been nagging at me to finish and made my grandsons super Mario travel pillow. Yay!!!

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Oooh that must feel GOOD! Can you text me a photo of the travel pillow? I wanna see!

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Jul 27, 2023Liked by Kara Cutruzzula

I wrote a poem today and really like how it turned out!

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Wonderful!! Such a sweet sense of satisfaction. Thank you so much for sharing!

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It's what I call "hell week" at work where there's a software release due out at the end of the week, but I got out tonight to go see Tina, the musical, and I had a marvelous time! It was such a gift from my past self since these were season tickets, and there was no way I'd know that I'd be needing a break. Very grateful. :)

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Oh my gosh, that sounds like total crunch time at work, but I so admire you sticking to your plans. Theater always provides a boost and rejuvenation — 100% worth peeling away from work. Your past self is a genius!!

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Jul 27, 2023Liked by Kara Cutruzzula

Dear Kara, A friend called me. I was happy to hear from her.


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Margaret, this hits my heart. Connection to each other is our most valuable gift.

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Today I got a major win, a reporting grant! A major honor. One of those things where you wake up and realize, we have no idea the fantastic surprises that might come our way. We have to remember to pursue our dreams and also expect that perhaps, doing so will result in amazing things. Or not perhaps: always, in whatever form. I give a lot of credit to the good vibes of this newsletter for keeping me going and keeping me reaching for that brass ring... thank you for the years of inspiration, Kara !

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Anne!!! That is tremendous news!!! Congratulations! I love that — “we have no idea what fantastic surprises might come our way.” I am so happy for you and appreciate you sharing the news. This just made my day better ☺️

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Jul 26, 2023Liked by Kara Cutruzzula

The highpoint so far (early yet in California), is walking out into my backyard and picking a ripe nectarine (a snack and a sweet moment).

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That sounds delicious!! You just reminded me we have some pluots (?!) I need to eat! And here’s to more high points yet to come today.

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