Indeed. Be Annoying! Thanks for another post that resonates. If you're wondering if it's working. It's working. I just hit the recommend button. :-)

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I am honored to be recommended by you, Ben!

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Thank you Kara for your timely (as always!) advice. xx

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I appreciate you, Nicole!

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by Kara Cutruzzula

I love this so much. The fear that I might be perceived as annoying has held me back so many times throughout my career,

but whenever I have pushed through that fear (usually with the encouragement of friends!) and advocated for what I need and want, I have walked away feeling SO glad I did. Thank you for this beautifully put reminder, Kara. I will come back to it whenever I need a dose of courage!

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Oh, Danielle!!! I feel so lucky to have always had you in my corner as an advocate and reminder to be courageous! Our text thread is an IV drip of encouragement <3

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I am annoying.

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I agree and a great article. Yes, be annoying.

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Thanks so much for reading, Allan.

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This one felt like a double shot of espresso. Needed it.

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So glad to hear this, Hurley. Thank you. I'll take being compared to a doppio any day!

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Aug 25, 2023Liked by Kara Cutruzzula

OH WOW. The timing couldn't be perfect. I'm launching a CTA for the biggest -and scariest- project of my life in brand new territory. I've always made myself small so "the world wouldn't call on me" (LOVE THAT). But now I'm trying to be big and bold. WAIT. Now I WILL be BIG and BOLD. Thank you as always for your amazing and articulated words.

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Not only is the world going to call on you, but you're gonna be giving the keynote speech under a banner of lights. GO GET 'EM, JENNY!!! Call them to action, rile them up, and let me know exactly what only you have to offer.

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Wow, I preemptively took your advice before I actually got to read the email, and reading it was extremely validating. Being passionate can really be annoying to some people, can't it? I've never really thought about it that way before.

I was passionate about something at a meeting at work today, and I was trying to repeat the "other people's perception of you are not your business" but the "be annoying" messaging actually worked better! It's such a good permission to be messy and not to people-please too much.

Thank you for words as always!

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I'm so glad this phrasing felt activating and energizing to you -- and that you said what you wanted to say in the meeting. Doesn't it always feel so much better to leave it all on the table?? Appreciate you sharing so much -- your story is going to stick with me.

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by Kara Cutruzzula

LOVE THIS!! Thank you 💕💕

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Thank you, Megan!!!

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by Kara Cutruzzula

What a beautiful call to action, Kara. At first, I wasn't sure about the "be annoying" part. It's not an adjective I ever aspired to. However, I understand the message. Be fully you. Don't hide or hold back. Because there is only ONE you, so go confidently into the world as you are- flaws, fabulousness, and all.

I've been writing and mailing (with an actual stamp) an old-school paper newsletter for 30 years to a small group. When I wrote my book over 10 years ago and started blogging, my audience became global. At first it was scary for me to open up and share my ideas in this bigger way. Very quickly my hesitancy transformed into an incredible sense of freedom and joy. I've been leaning in ever since. Are there times I hold back? Sure. I'm human. But when I get out of my own way, it's a wonderful feeling.

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What a great perspective, Linda! And we are all so grateful that you chose to step onto a bigger platform -- the risk is often worth the reward. Here's to getting out of our own way, more and more.

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