Apr 20, 2023Liked by Kara Cutruzzula

Ahh. A great message this morning. And sometimes, the 'thing' being offered to eat isn't that desirable. But it might just be as important to "eat" anyway.

Like yesterday, I was 'handed' a doozy on a plate. Frankly, it was less of a plate offering and more of a shoving down my throat. Basically, a challenging situation that had to do with the surprise of waking up with no Internet or phones due to a cut cable. The service provider assured me it would be fixed within 24 hours, which was OK. But I had a deadline I was working on a workshop to give (via Zoom) the following day.

I really didn't want to accept the food being offered, but I had no choice in the offering. What I realized the part I did have a choice in was how I 'ate' it. There was some initial panic, but after that, I calmed down, focused on what I COULD work on, let go of what I had zero control over, did some creative problem solving, and opted not to go down the negative self-talk rabbit hole.

By the evening, I had finished what was a needed for the deadline and made alternate plans for presenting if I was still without Internet and phones by today. I also realized how much more I accomplished without having the interruptions or distraction of the Internet, social media, phone etc.

I woke up this morning with Internet and phones restored, as if nothing had ever gone wrong. While the dish served wasn't what I wanted, in the end, I was grateful to give my creativity and resilience room to grow.

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Wow!!!!! What an incredible lesson! I can so relate to that acute annoyance and powerlessness that comes with a tech snafu, and am going to remember your experience the next time it happens to me.

You adapted so well and not only didn't let it ruin your day, but you learned so much, too. Brilliant!!

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