Sep 8, 2023Liked by Kara Cutruzzula

So many gems here this morning, Kara! The description of Peanut as "a sassy little chicken" made me smile from ear to ear. Animals have personalities, but I have never associated "sassy" with a chicken before. It's a delightful image.

Holding two competing ideas (confidence and doubt) simultaneously resonates with me. Yesterday, I was doing deep work preparing content for October's mindful organizing workshop. When I began, I felt anxious and unsure because of the quick 2-day deadline for the marketing deliverables. However, I had a system that helped me focus on one thing at a time. As I worked, my system calmed down, and I felt confident. By the day's end, I was 95% complete. I'll finish that last 5% today.

Sometimes, we must 'go' and trust the process and, more importantly, ourselves.

I am sending you an early congratulations on your about-to-be-published new journal! I'm excited for you and pre-ordered my copy this morning.

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So glad you appreciated sassy little Peanut - Colin and I have been talking about her all week!

And way to go on your incredibly deep work!! Tight deadlines always feel at their tightest, to me, before we begin. It's the pre-analysis that always get me. Thank you for this reminder that systems work. I know you got that 5% knocked out of the park!

Thanks, especially, for ordering the journal. I really hope you might find some value inside. You're the best!

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Kara Cutruzzula

Kara, I so appreciate that your list of 8 things wasn't stuff to buy (the perfect fall boots $800.), with the exception of True lemon (and I do plan to find those).

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haha I didn't even notice that, Kate! I'm definitely not the best influencer (though if someone wants to recommend to me a pair of boots for $200 or less and will last more than one New York winter, I'm all ears). Lemme know what you think of True Lemon if you find it!

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