Mar 20Liked by Kara Cutruzzula

I'm going to go do #10 right now. I love making admirable snacks.

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Mar 20Liked by Kara Cutruzzula

First and most important...High five, Kara, on doing what you set out to do yesterday! I knew you would. But even more key is that you committed to and believed you could. YOU made it happen.

Thank you for this awesome list for discovering new or reframed perspectives. Number 10 cracked me up. I don't know why, but it made me smile. It's direct. Number 7 is a technique one of my friends frequently uses. I love that strategy but have yet to try it. It sounds like the universe is leading me to try it sooner rather than later. I liken the book page randomness to reading a fortune in a cookie. I get great pleasure in fortune cookie reading and discovering a message that resonates in that moment.

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